
烁灵 posted @ 2015年6月03日 12:58 in Cocos2dx with tags bat , 1485 阅读
@echo off 
set work_path=./res
cd %work_path% 
for /R %%s in (.,*) do ( 
echo %%s 
PSEB 12th New Questi 说:
2022年8月17日 21:14

In accordance with a Punjabi state law, the Punjab School Education Board PSEB, Chandigarh, was established in 1969 to oversee the instruction provided in the state's public schools. It will provide tests to every student enrolled in the appropriate subjects. Every year, it will inform the students about the Previous Exam Questions for PSEB Class 12th 2023. PSEB 12th New Question Paper 2023 The PSEB 12th Exam New Model Paper 2023, PSEB 12th Exam Guess Paper 2023, and PSEB 12th Sample Question Paper 2023 for Class XII have all been made public by the Board, as they are every year. The tests will take place in February and March of 2023.

Emma 说:
2023年1月18日 19:05

A bat file is a type of script file that is used to run commands or a series of commands in Windows. When a bat file is run, it will automatically iterate through all of CBD Capsules the folders in the current directory. This can be useful for running a series of commands on all of the files in a directory.

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