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--[[ local labelEx = require("ui.ui_label_ex"):create(300) -- width l:addChild(labelEx, 100) labelEx:setPosition(100, self.visibleSize.height) labelEx:setString("普通文字$C<3>颜色$C<1>普通颜色$S<36>大小$S<0>普通大小$I<101>←图片$B<button>按钮$E<99>表情\n换\n行") ]]-- local UILabelEx = class("UILabelEx", require("ui.ui_common")) -- 控制字符 UILabelEx.C_CHR = "$" -- 单字显示时间间隔 UILabelEx.WAIT_FOR_MESSAGE = 5 / 60 -- 默认字号 UILabelEx.DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE = 24 -- 行间距 UILabelEx.DEFAULT_LINE_HEIGHT = 12 function UILabelEx:ctor(width, show_fast) UILabelEx.super.ctor(self, "") self._defaultFontSize = UILabelEx.DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE self._lineHeight = UILabelEx.DEFAULT_LINE_HEIGHT self._width = width self._show_fast = not not show_fast self._height = self._defaultFontSize self._rootWgt = ccui.Layout:create() self:addChild(self._rootWgt, 100) self:clear() end function UILabelEx:clear() self._contentStr = "" self._texts = self._texts or {} -- 文字 self._images = self._images or {} -- 图片 self._widgets = self._widgets or {} -- 按钮等 self._armatures = self._armatures or {} -- 动画 self._contents = self._contents or {} -- 包含文字图片等实际顺序的数组 self._currentLine = self._currentLine or {} -- 渲染中的本行元素 self._strIndex = 1 -- 遍历的当前字符 self._currentColor = 1 -- 当前文字颜色 self._currentFontSize = self._defaultFontSize -- 当前文字大小 for k, v in pairs(self._texts) do v:removeFromParent() self._texts[k] = nil end for k, v in pairs(self._images) do v:removeFromParent() self._images[k] = nil end for k, v in pairs(self._widgets) do v:removeFromParent() self._widgets[k] = nil end for k, v in pairs(self._armatures) do v:removeFromParent() self._armatures[k] = nil end self._texts = {} self._images = {} self._widgets = {} self._armatures = {} self._contents = {} self._renderPos = { x = 0, y = 0, maxHeight = self._defaultFontSize -- 记录本行最大高度 } self._currentLine = {} if self._scheduleShow ~= nil then cc.Director:getInstance():getScheduler():unscheduleScriptEntry(self._scheduleShow) end self._scheduleShow = nil self._showSeq = 0 end -- 判断utf8字符byte长度 -- 0xxxxxxx - 1 byte -- 110yxxxx - 192, 2 byte -- 1110yyyy - 225, 3 byte -- 11110zzz - 240, 4 byte local function chsize(char) if not char then print("not char") return 0 elseif char > 240 then return 4 elseif char > 225 then return 3 elseif char > 192 then return 2 else return 1 end end -- 计算utf8字符串字符数, 各种字符都按一个字符计算 -- 例如utf8len("1你好") => 3 local function utf8len(str) local len = 0 local currentIndex = 1 while currentIndex <= #str do local char = string.byte(str, currentIndex) currentIndex = currentIndex + chsize(char) len = len +1 end return len end -- 截取utf8 字符串 -- str: 要截取的字符串 -- startChar: 开始字符下标,从1开始 -- numChars: 要截取的字符长度 local function utf8sub(str, startChar, numChars) local startIndex = 1 while startChar > 1 do local char = string.byte(str, startIndex) startIndex = startIndex + chsize(char) startChar = startChar - 1 end local currentIndex = startIndex while numChars > 0 and currentIndex <= #str do local char = string.byte(str, currentIndex) currentIndex = currentIndex + chsize(char) numChars = numChars -1 end return str:sub(startIndex, currentIndex - 1) end function UILabelEx:onEnter() self:ignoreAnchorPointForPosition(false) self:setAnchorPoint(0, 1) end function UILabelEx:onExit() self:clear() end -- 根据代码取文字颜色 function UILabelEx:getColor(code) code = code or 1 local colors = { cc.c3b(255, 255, 255), -- 白色 cc.c3b(0, 0, 0), -- 黑色 cc.c3b(255, 0, 0), -- 红色 cc.c3b(0, 255, 0), -- 绿色 cc.c3b(0, 0, 255), -- 蓝色 cc.c3b(0, 255, 255) -- 黄色 } return colors[code] or colors[1] end function UILabelEx:setDefaultFontSize(size) size = size or self._defaultFontSize if size <= 0 then size = self._defaultFontSize end self._defaultFontSize = size end function UILabelEx:setString(str) self:clear() self._contentStr = str self:refresh() self._scheduleShow = cc.Director:getInstance() :getScheduler() :scheduleScriptFunc(handler(self, self.scheduleShow), UILabelEx.WAIT_FOR_MESSAGE, false) end --[[ "普通文字\eC[color]颜色\eC[1]普通\n颜色\eS[size]大小\eS[24]普通大小\eI[img]←图片\eB[button]按钮\eE[emj]表情" ]]-- function UILabelEx:refresh() print(utf8len(self._contentStr)) while self._strIndex <= utf8len(self._contentStr) do self:progressContentString() end if self._show_fast then self._seq = #self._contents end self:nextLine() self._height = self._renderPos.y self._rootWgt:ignoreAnchorPointForPosition(false) self._rootWgt:setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0, 1)) self._rootWgt:setBackGroundColorType(ccui.LayoutBackGroundColorType.solid) self._rootWgt:setBackGroundColor(cc.c3b(128, 128, 128)) self._rootWgt:setContentSize(self._width, self._height) end -- 处理特殊字符 function UILabelEx:progressContentString() local str = utf8sub(self._contentStr, self._strIndex, 1) self._strIndex = self._strIndex + 1 -- print("str:"..str) if str == "\r" then -- 回车 return elseif str == "\n" then -- 换行 self:progressNewLine() elseif str == UILabelEx.C_CHR then -- 控制符 -- 处理中会影响self._strIndex self:progressControlChar() else -- 普通文字 self:progressNormalText(str) end end -- 换行 function UILabelEx:progressNewLine() self:nextLine() end -- 控制符 function UILabelEx:progressControlChar() local chr = utf8sub(self._contentStr, self._strIndex, 1) self._strIndex = self._strIndex + 1 chr = string.upper(chr) -- print("char:"..chr) local progressFlag = false -- 是否正常解析 local s, e, val = string.find(self._contentStr, "<(.-)>", string.len(utf8sub(self._contentStr, 1, self._strIndex))) if val and s == string.len(utf8sub(self._contentStr, 1, self._strIndex)) then progressFlag = true print("val:"..(val ~= nil and val or "nil")) if chr == "C" then progressFlag = self:changeFontColor(tonumber(val)) -- 修改颜色 elseif chr == "S" then progressFlag = self:changeFontSize(tonumber(val)) -- 修改字号 elseif chr == "I" then progressFlag = self:progressImage(tonumber(val)) -- 插入图片 elseif chr == "B" then progressFlag = self:progressBtn(val) -- 插入按钮 elseif chr == "E" then progressFlag = self:progressEmoji(tonumber(val)) -- 插入表情 end end if progressFlag then self._strIndex = self._strIndex + utf8len(val) + 2 else -- 处理失败,当做通常字符处理 self._strIndex = self._strIndex - 2 local str = utf8sub(self._contentStr, self._strIndex, 1) self._strIndex = self._strIndex + 1 self:progressNormalText(str) end end -- 普通文字 function UILabelEx:progressNormalText(chr) print("progress normal:"..chr) local uiText = ccui.Text:create() uiText:setString(chr) uiText:setVisible(self._show_fast) uiText:setFontSize(self._currentFontSize) uiText:setColor(self:getColor(self._currentColor)) self:addChild(uiText, 100) if uiText:getContentSize().width > self._width then print("too big width, scaled") uiText:setScale(self._width / uiText:getContentSize().width) end if self._renderPos.x + uiText:getContentSize().width > self._width then self:nextLine() end self:setElemPosition(uiText, self._renderPos.x, self._renderPos.y) self._renderPos.x = self._renderPos.x + uiText:getContentSize().width self._renderPos.maxHeight = (self._renderPos.maxHeight > uiText:getContentSize().height) and self._renderPos.maxHeight or uiText:getContentSize().height self._texts[#self._texts + 1] = uiText self._contents[#self._contents + 1] = uiText self._currentLine[#self._currentLine + 1] = uiText return true end function UILabelEx:changeFontColor(code) if not code then return false end self._currentColor = code return true end function UILabelEx:changeFontSize(code) if not code then return false end if code <= 0 then code = self._defaultFontSize end self._currentFontSize = code return true end function UILabelEx:progressImage(code) if not code then return end print("progress image:"..code) local image = t_image[code] if not image then return false end cc.SpriteFrameCache:getInstance():addSpriteFrames(image.plist) local uiImage = ccui.ImageView:create() uiImage:loadTexture(image.name, ccui.TextureResType.plistType) uiImage:setVisible(self._show_fast) self:addChild(uiImage, 100) if uiImage:getContentSize().width > self._width then print("too big width, scaled") uiImage:setScale(self._width / uiImage:getContentSize().width) end if self._renderPos.x + uiImage:getContentSize().width > self._width then self:nextLine() end self:setElemPosition(uiImage, self._renderPos.x, self._renderPos.y) self._renderPos.x = self._renderPos.x + uiImage:getContentSize().width self._renderPos.maxHeight = (self._renderPos.maxHeight > uiImage:getContentSize().height) and self._renderPos.maxHeight or uiImage:getContentSize().height self._images[#self._images + 1] = uiImage self._contents[#self._contents + 1] = uiImage self._currentLine[#self._currentLine + 1] = uiImage return true end function UILabelEx:progressBtn(str) return false end function UILabelEx:progressEmoji(code) if not code then return false end print("progress emoji:"..code) local animation = t_animation[code] if not animation then return false end ccs.ArmatureDataManager:getInstance():addArmatureFileInfo(animation.json) local armature = ccs.Armature:create(animation.name) armature:getAnimation():play("effect") armature:setVisible(self._show_fast) self:addChild(armature, 100) if armature:getContentSize().width > self._width then print("too big width, scaled") armature:setScale(self._width / armature:getContentSize().width) end if self._renderPos.x + armature:getContentSize().width > self._width then self:nextLine() end self:setElemPosition(armature, self._renderPos.x, self._renderPos.y) self._renderPos.x = self._renderPos.x + armature:getContentSize().width self._renderPos.maxHeight = (self._renderPos.maxHeight > armature:getContentSize().height) and self._renderPos.maxHeight or armature:getContentSize().height self._armatures[#self._armatures + 1] = armature self._contents[#self._contents + 1] = armature self._currentLine[#self._currentLine + 1] = armature return true end function UILabelEx:setElemPosition(elem, _x, _y) elem:ignoreAnchorPointForPosition(false) elem:setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0,0)) if _x then local x = _x + elem:getContentSize().width * elem:getAnchorPoint().x elem:setPositionX(x) end if _y then local y = _y + elem:getContentSize().height * elem:getAnchorPoint().y elem:setPositionY(-y) end end function UILabelEx:nextLine() -- 调整当前行元素高度,适应maxHeight for k, v in pairs(self._currentLine) do self:setElemPosition(v, nil, self._renderPos.y + self._renderPos.maxHeight) end self._renderPos.x = 0 self._renderPos.y = self._renderPos.y + self._renderPos.maxHeight + self._lineHeight / 2 self._renderPos.maxHeight = self._defaultFontSize self._currentLine = {} end function UILabelEx:scheduleShow(dt) if self._showSeq < #self._contents then self._showSeq = self._showSeq + 1 self._contents[self._showSeq]:setVisible(true) end end return UILabelEx
2022年8月16日 21:39
This board operates under the direction of the Mizorami government, and it also oversees and manages the educational institutions to which it is associated. The Mizoram 11th Important Question Paper 2023 for the class 11th examinations will be made available via their official website. The Mizoram 11th Model Question Paper was released by this board ahead of time, and the exams for the 11th grade began on February 25 and finished on March 11. Mizoram 11th Question Paper 2023 The Mizoram 11th Important Question Paper 2023 of this examination, which will be shortly announced by this board through its official website, is now being awaited by all students who took the tests.
2022年9月03日 18:20
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2022年9月17日 01:04
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